
Excel vs FreshBooks vs QuickBooks


Types of data FreshBooks can import: clients, expenses, Items, taxes and vendors.
Types of data FreshBooks can export: clients & staff, invoices, items & expense receipt images and reports.
FreshBooks full import/export with 3rd-party app: Skyvia App.
Third-party app integrations available: Shopify, Gusto, Stripe, G Suite, and more

The Motley Fool rates FreshBooks 9.2 out of 10 versus QuickBooks rating of 8.4. The primary reason for the difference is that FreshBooks is easier to use and has significantly better support. Freshbooks has four plans which primarily differ by the allowed number of clients: 5 ($15/month), 50 ($25/month), unlimited ($50/month) and unlimited with specialized features (custom pricing.) Its features include everything a small business could need. You can check out a big list here.

You can see the reviews for FreshBooks over at TrustPilot.Com. Currently, its score is 4.1 out of 5.

Why don't some people like FreshBooks?

A recent user interface (UI) change is causing frustration with some people.  And some people did not have a good experience with customer service.